Specialized in Solar Drying and Solar hot air system


    Since 1989,PEN has Installed 9000 sq.mtr of solar collector for tea leaves drying, spices drying, fruits and vegetables dehydration, dal, leather, ceramics, fish, cloth and salt drying.

  • Using Solar Air Heating technology 12000 tones of Fuel wood equivalent is saved and there is a reduction of 50 tones per year of green house gas emission to the atmosphere.

  • Ministry of New and Renewable Energy S (MNRE) and Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MFPI) both of Government of India, extended their support to Planters Energy Network through Research and Development projects.

  • Successfully conducted three International Conferences to disseminate the applications of Solar and other renewable energy technologies to Industries and agriculture.

  • PEN has the exclusive services of leading solar Scientist Dr.C.Palaniappan.

  • Developed innovative projects in collaboration with leading Institutions and Universities in Germany (Technical University of Munich, Munich & Institute of Agricultural Engineering (ATB), Potsdam, Berlin), Italy (International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) Trieste & Ancona University), Netherlands and Australia.

  • Received 2 patents on its Solar Air Heating Technology.